Monday, September 20, 2004

Come on people, lets turn up the Wattage to what I know we have!

Ok, we are communicating back and forth in the comments of the blogs, having wonderful conversations and actually communicating again. Yeah us! :)
I have tried to explain the "Three- edge Sword" which is being used by Shark on the blogs, so everyone realizes that they are only seeing their side of thoughts, feelings, interpretations. This is all true, but now it is being argued that it is even a possiblity. As I have written, for us as HUMAN BEINGS, it is impossible to truly grasp the Sword and use it for our own self-enlightenment. We as a species are not yet blessed with the mental capacity or faculties to truly understand others as of yet. I say yet because I am hopeful that more of us are able to understand and learn to work around our shortcomings to understand our fellow MAN(WOMAN.) But I can see we have a long way to go because we are still not able to accept this basest of principles. WE CANNOT SEE THE TRUTH EVER! WE CANNOT SEE THE OTHER SIDE EVER!
We can strive to understand and see the other side, and only then will we truly be enlightened to as close to the Truth that we can attain. That is not to say that questioning this concept is wrong, that is how we gain understanding, which if you ever read my comments on The Voice's blog(click his name on the Council Chambers or any other to view all blogs they are a part of) that is the most important(or at least one of) endeavor in my life right now. To understand. It is a hard and tedious never ending road that I happily chose to embark upon. I only gripe about this because there seems to be nobody trying to understand WITH me. I was never told that this was a lonely road, and thought if I tried to let my friends know that it existed that they would join me on my journey. Okay, my anger is spent now. That is why I posted it here than on the Council Chambers, I did not and do not want anyone to view this as a personal attack, just my frustration of watching so many brains try to wrap around the same concept that they mention in different words but do not see the connection or similarities. PEACE AND LOVE TO ALL, AND TO ALL A HELL OVA NIGHT! :)


Blogger Daniel C. said...

There are those who can see the truth... but they must try hard and they may not like what they see. The media's cloud of deception is growing stronger; blocking our sight of the truth. And it will continue to grow. They will only show us what they think we need to see, while hiding the real answers. This censorship will eventually destroy the seekers of the truth who will be replaced only with mindless automatons, and then nothing will stand in their way…

Monday, September 20, 2004 5:48:00 PM  
Blogger Shark said...

You speak with a silver tonge and are well traveled,yet you do not grasp the message that is right in front of you.The truth is distorted by the person who beholds it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004 8:07:00 AM  
Blogger Shark said...

And to Pool,right with you man,been trying to hammer the point across but just wasn't sticking.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004 8:11:00 AM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

As I've stated before, sometimes too much damage is done to the bridge to do a repair...

Wednesday, September 22, 2004 9:56:00 AM  

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